You’ve probably read a great deal about the millennial generation. There seem to have been some key value shifts in recent decades, which have resulted in a seemingly much bigger gap in what millennials expect from life versus what previous generations have expected.

The real key to this shift is the digital revolution. The term millennial generally applies to those born in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. These are individuals who have come of age in the new millennium, with all the associated technology.


Millennial Second Language Needs


Millennials are the first generation who have grown up using digital technology, which generally means that they are more comfortable in situations that require it than situations that don’t.

Because this generation of people have grown up with the internet at their fingertips, including such tools as Google translate, there is a misconception that it isn’t as important for them to learn a second language as it was for previous generations.

Of course, this isn’t true. Language learning is just as valuable and important as it has ever been. It’s very important for travelling, leisure, work and culture.


Is language learning on the rise or in decline?

Some media outlets have suggested that language learning among young people is in decline. A study from the UK reported that 60% of comprehensive schools were no longer making language learning compulsory for students.

Though there is some evidence to support that traditional language learning is in decline, the good news is that online language courses and language learning apps are booming. Millions of people are downloading apps for online language courses, which is an excellent way to learn on the go.

So are people still choosing to learn a second language? It’s probably unfair to say that language learning is either in decline or on the rise. What is more true is that the process by which people are setting out to learn a second language is changing. Online language courses and apps are revolutionising the way we learn.


Why is it still so important for young adults to learn a second language?

There are many reasons why taking the time to study languages online can be hugely beneficial for millennials.


A second language can give millennials a boost in the job market

Online language courses help to give young adults a real edge in the workplace. Many millennials have found the business world difficult to navigate as there is so much competition for jobs.

Investing the time to study languages online can be hugely beneficial in these cases. Millennials make better job candidates when they have a second or even a third language. This really helps to give them the edge over their competition.


Foreign language skills are vital for businesses who want to grow internationally

As the business world becomes increasingly focused on global markets, it’s more important than ever for individuals to learn a second language.

In many ways, the digital revolution has made the world smaller. We now have the technology at our fingertips to communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world. This can be hugely valuable for businesses, as they no longer have to limit their business activities by geographical location.

However, it’s well worth noting here that instant communication is only valuable if both parties are able to understand each other! Millennials need to be able to negotiate and discuss terms in a language other than their own in order to further their business aims.


Taking the initiative to study languages online can open up life opportunities

There is so much for millennials to gain from spending extended periods of time overseas. Many global companies offer opportunities for their employees to spend time in other territories. Taking the time to study languages online means that millennials can really benefit from these opportunities.

Not only can a period working overseas increase the career prospects of millennials, it can also be an excellent opportunity for personal development.


How can Dexway online language courses help?

Dexway language courses are an ideal resource for young people who want to study languages online. Many schools, colleges, universities and language schools use the Dexway learning courses to offer a high quality blended learning programme to their students.

Dexway courses are also ideal for training centers who want to offer their students the chance to study languages online. All Dexway courses can be taught completely online, but thanks to the voluxion educational platform tools have all of the community learning benefits as a traditional face-to-face course.

If your organisation would like to learn more about what Dexway could offer you and your team, please read more about the many features and benefits on offer. Alternatively, please get in touch to discuss what we could offer you in more detail.


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