Learning Gamification System in Dexway

Apply game dynamics to your online courses

One of the most effective learning tools to maintain students motivation and engagement is the gamification or learning gamification in online courses. Dexway courses offer a coaching plan through the virtual campus or Dexway LMS (Learning Management System) with a system capable of setting objectives, measuring achievements and communicating them to the students.

Gamified learning applies playful dynamics to language courses to enhance student motivation

Learning gamification with stars and trophies

Double Tracking

The gamification system incorporated by the Dexway through the Dexway educational platform allows a double-tracking of the students’. Individual progress: only the student can see these badges.. Group progress (optional): leaderboards by groups.

Goal Setting

Set the objectives that students must achieve to unlock the rewards. Also, the courses have standard objectives set up that you can adapt such as grades in tests, progression, time spent in additional activities, participation in the online community or in conversation groups.

Rewards in form of badges

As students achieve the set up goals, they obtain stars, trophies and medals that are shown in their gamification section.

Learning Gamification stars - badges

Dexway educational platform (LMS) includes learning gamification in online courses through evaluation systems for language skills that allow students to measure their performance specifically in the main skills of the language: speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

All these measurements are used in the gamification of Dexway online courses, that rewards the effort and evolution of students, both for completing their lessons and for how they complete each exercise. Added to this is the time they invest in the platform, their integration in the community and their time in virtual classrooms practicing the language.


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