Conversation groups for Students

At the click of a button, students can access conversation groups in virtual classrooms where they can see, listen and chat with other Dexway students from the same course.

Study groups available for students to practice every day of the year

Conversation groups allow students to practice a language 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This motivates participation and the exchange of opinions and ideas in a virtual environment, encouraging interaction among students. This helps students improve their general skills since in the conversation rooms they can practice: reading, speaking, listening and writing.

Conversation groups for students (of the same level)


Students are encouraged to participate in the course study groups as well as completing the exercises and activities. The system sends out notifications when a user creates a room, so if many students respond, several rooms are organized with a maximum of 8 users per room.


Teachers can either moderate rooms to ensure quality of practice or let students of the same level interact between themselves.

Dexway conversation groups are a free tool for all students in their language courses:

Total access 24/7 365 days a year

Maximum 9 students per room


Video, audio and chat to practice the main linguistic skills


Notification system  in the courses to encourage participation

Integration of gamification

Custom avatars and ID cards


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5 advantages of flipped classroom

5 advantages of flipped classroom

The flipped classroom is a new methodology for language learning that proposes a positive evolution of traditional classes, combining presential and online.