online LANGUAGE courses

Dexway online language courses incorporate the 4 main language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing).

Your students will learn languages with a flexible and effective method

Our online language courses (and our methodology) are recognized as the most effective way to learn languages through a system of natural and progressive learning where students learn different language concepts intuitively by using and practicing the language. 

Our courses offer a complete learning method that helps students learn in an easy and entertaining way while improving their motivation and engagement, ultimately achieving better results and language development.

Teachers can complement their current language teaching with an interactive language learning method, complete with content, materials, and the most innovative and advanced eLearning tools.

Online language Courses


Conversation Groups

At any time, from the course and with just one click, the student has access to virtual classrooms where they see, hear and talk with other Dexway students.

Study groups to practice language, 24 hours a day accessible, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Thus encouraging the participation and exchange of views in a virtual collaborative environment.


All our language courses can be used from any device throgh web browsers. Also, with Dexway LMS, students are able to download the Dexway App and study synchronously, even without Internet.

Dexway Apps are available for Windows, MacOS, Android and iPad tablets and Android and iOS smartphones (with Dexway LMS).

Placement Test and Evaluation

Before starting the course, students do a hit test which indicates the level that best suits their language skills. Also available during the course, a progress test and a final test to see the progress of each student.

Progress test: Evaluate student progress in each unit. (Available for English, French, German and Spanish courses).

Final test: tests performed at the end of the course to consolidate the knowledge acquired. (Available for all languages).

Immersion lessons

Dexway online language courses include videos, activities and exercises that allow students to learn the same way they learned their native language.

Structured learning, in a real context, in a visually way that immerses the students in the learning and use of language, interacting and participating in dialogues.

The students use the language from the beginning. However, they have help in their native language for the first levels.

Voice Recognition

Pronunciation evaluation

Through the most advanced voice recognition software the student pronunciation is evaluated throughout the course.

Students compare their pronunciation with a native and the course highlights the speaking mistakes.

The correction is done through a code of colours, both in words and phrases built in all pronunciation exercises.

Real Time Monitoring *

The innovative functionality of Dexway Analytics enriches the course´s methodology offering to both teachers and students a more detailed vision of the specific objectives that each course proposes to achieve.

Allows to identify the specific language objetives that each student or group of students need to reinforce.

*Available with Dexway LMS


8 available languagesUSA and UK English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Portuguese. Course help in 11 native languages

Multiple levels. Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) levels A1 to C1 available


Diverse versions. Diverse catalog of different online language courses available to fit every language learning need

Official Exams Preparation. Courses designed specifically to help students prepare for language examinations


Objectives defined. Structured courses that allow teachers and students to easily define objectives and achievements

Tech & Support updates. Regular updates and course support available anytime via our website


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