Studying English online has become the method of the future. Over the last few years, new learning technologies have appeared one after another in the educational field, raising more and more possibilities to learn languages online from anywhere and at all times. Nowadays almost everyone has used some kind of tool for self-learning online and it is not surprising that studying English online has become the preferred method for most students.


Estudiar inglés online es una realidad, ya son muchas personas las que prefieren este método de aprendizaje.


It is normal that the internet has become a fundamental and essential part of our lives: we read the news in virtual newspapers, we watch movies, we listen to music, we plan trips, we buy clothes… Why not apply it in education? Why not study English online?

Refusing to accept a possibility with so many advantages does nothing for us, on the contrary, we are taking a step back. We must make the most of the tools at our disposal. Before there were English classes online, if someone wanted to learn English they had to go to an academy. Then came the language schools. There were also private classes, of course, which were much more expensive, not least because the teacher had to pay a considerable amount of money to go to the student’s home. Not to mention the case of native teachers. At that time there were many limitations when learning English, not all had the capacity, availability, and resources to carry out their learning.

Those were the traditional methods we have all known to date. In the same way, we will remember how years ago we heated the breakfast milk in a saucepan on the stove fire butane. Nowadays everyone uses the microwave. Why? Because it is more practical, more comfortable, faster, more adaptable… And it comes out to be cheaper too!!! The same goes for studying English online.

Don’t overthink it, if you are a school, an institution, or a company and you want to learn English, go to Dexway, ask for information about our Dexway method based on “learning by doing” and benefit from studying English online right now. Learning where the student sets his pace, with native support teachers, unlimited classes, online dictionary, interactive exercises, and much more… Does it have a disadvantage? You need a computer, you can think. But if you don’t have a computer, how are you reading this? Oh! Are reading this blog from a tablet? Perfect, all students can take Dexway online English courses on multiple devices such as a tablet or mobile.

In fact, it may not be the method of the future, but that of the present… At CAE we have been specializing in the education sector for more than 40 years, offering e-learning solutions that accompany the digital transformation. We are experts in language platforms and in developing comprehensive language learning for all types of institutions. Learning English online has never been easier!

Contact us and we will give you all the information you need about our social method, fun and at your own pace, with unlimited classes and native teachers so that you make an important decision: study English online with Dexway.


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