Regardless of students’ language level, English for IT knowledge has become an increasingly frequent requirement in the academic and professional fields, thus it has turned out to be essential in a resume today.

It is no longer enough to demonstrate strong oral and written skills, but, in addition, candidates must acquire the technological English vocabulary that the workplace requires. This is the only way candidates ensure professional success in competitive and international companies.


Why is it important to offer English for IT training?

Educational institutions and language schools must be able to provide technological English training to attract students who seek to enhance their work skills.

Currently, technological students and professionals know that it is necessary to have a strong English language proficiency level in whatever field they work in so that they enrich and improve their professional careers.

In fact, the demand for technological English courses is growing. Hence, at Dexway, we have designed targeted training to provide English courses tailored to your students’ needs.

A woman speaks during a team meeting in a company office

Who are the English for IT courses for?

Users of these courses are mainly university students who are undertaking technology studies. Therefore, a wide range of disciplines that employ computer terminology in the profession are included.

Of course, technology professionals also need to learn and improve their language skills.

Companies are constantly asking their employees not only to speak English but also to have a high-level understanding of technical English to be able to hold meetings with clients and partners from all over the world.

For instance, technical English is widely used in business consulting, banks, software or technology solutions companies, architecture or engineering studios, as well as in marketing agencies.


English for IT Professionals: the course your students need

At Dexway, we have the English for IT Professionals course so that you can offer your students the best English teaching for technology professionals at your institution or company.

The objective of this language training for the technology field is to help students explore the language through the context of technology and prepare them for the professional world. The student acquires the vocabulary and necessary language skills to successfully understand oral and written messages in English used in the field of technology.

The course has a practical and functional orientation since it is based on learning specific vocabulary dealing with phrases that show its use in context. This methodology gives students valuable experience that can be easily applied to their working life.

The program consists of five didactic units that cover vocabulary related to IT, cybersecurity, programming, networks, and digital marketing. Through the lessons, stimulating and interactive exercises are presented that facilitate the understanding and learning of the contents.

At the end of each topic, students must take a test to consolidate the knowledge they have acquired. In this way, students ensure that they have learned the essential vocabulary and teachers can also measure the results and progress on an ongoing basis.

Thanks to the English for IT course, students acquire knowledge that allows them to write and speak more fluently about technology. It’s astounding how many words can be learned in a single Dexway lesson.


The advantages of a virtual classroom

Imagine if you could teach technological English with the support of an online training platform specialized in languages? We provide you with our expertise in e-learning so that you can take advantage of all the benefits a virtual classroom can offer you.

You will be able to offer students the courses they need, guided and tutored by your teaching support, but with all the facilities of having an educational platform. In addition, at Dexway, there are 4 language teaching methods so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs:

  • Online language courses: all training is done online with the latest e-learning technology.
  • Blended learning method: combines face-to-face and online teaching. It is the preferred method for many language schools.
  • Flipped classroom: model in which students watch online content at home and face-to-face classes are dedicated to answering questions and applying the knowledge acquired outside the classroom.
  • Language laboratory: online classrooms in face-to-face and interactive mode for a complete linguistic immersion.

The different types of English courses help train students by making educational resources and tools available for their classes.

The English for IT Professionals course is available in British and American English. To learn more about the course for your institution or company, you can contact us. We will advise you on the e-learning solutions that best suit your needs.


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