Online language learning for corporates is a training solution that has grown exponentially in recent years. More and more corporates and training organisations are investing in this kind of online and mobile language training.

The reasons why online language learning for corporates is in high demand are simple:

  1. Online courses are incredibly cost-effective.
  2. Digital learning is easier to fit into busy schedules.


Online language learning is essential for corporates

Though online language learning for corporates is rapidly growing in popularity across the board, there’s one area that is growing faster than any other. Online language courses have become extremely in demand. What we are experiencing seems to be an online language learning evolution, and it’s not expected to stop any time soon. A report by Ambient Insight has predicted that the market for digital English language learning products alone will be worth $3.1 billion by 2018.




Why is online language learning for corporates growing at such a fast rate?

There are a number of reasons why so many corporates are investing in online language learning. The two key reasons outlined above of cost-effectiveness and convenience are just as true in terms of language training courses as they are for other subjects, but there’s also a lot of value in the versatility of taking online language courses.

This includes:

  • Digital products being able to effectively assess and match the current skill level of students.
  • More scope for students to access a course that suits their personal learning style.
  • Online courses being used alongside traditional language education to provide additional resources and practice.
  • Online courses being used as a catch up to fill in the gaps of traditional education.
  • Students using digital courses to improve their skills while on the go or at anti-social hours.


How can corporates benefit from online language learning?

Though there has been a huge pick-up in individuals investing in online language learning, corporates and training organisations have also been paramount to this growth. A lot of traditional language schools have recognised the importance of staying relevant to their students and have invested in digital software products to enhance the learning experience they have to offer.

Businesses have also recognised the value in online language learning for corporates and corporate foreign language training is on the rise. Simply put, investing in employees’ foreign language skills can create opportunity in global markets. Businesses who are serious about growing internationally need to be proactive about breaking down language barriers. Investing in online language learning for their employees is an excellent way to do this.


How does language online language learning for corporates work?

Interested in the methodology of online language learning for corporates? Our Dexway division has developed a revolutionary method of digital language learning that has been incredibly successful. Here’s how it works.