Business may be becoming increasingly digital, but that doesn’t mean it’s all about computers. In fact, the idea that business has become less about communication is a misnomer. The personality of a business has actually become a hugely important aspect in whether or not a customer chooses to buy from it. This is especially true in challenging economic climates: when customers have less money to spend they are likely to be more discerning in who they give it to.
Corporate Language Eleaning is Essential for Growing
The importance of business personality and branding means that it’s vital to be able to speak directly to the end client. This may be one-on-one at a sales pitch or networking event, it may be through social media, it may be via email or it may be through a wider marketing campaign such as a brochure or blog. Either way, if a business wants to be successful in reaching out to an international market, it needs to have people on side who speak the relevant language.
With the rise of business personality has come a much bigger expectation of customer service. Customers now expect support to be provided via a selection of channels. This can include the telephone, email and social media, as well as the more traditional postal method. Providing this kind of support can be incredibly demanding, especially as a company moves into new territories. Paying outside agencies to provide support in each different territory can be expensive. Many companies are realising that the most cost effective way to provide this support is to encourage their current employees to learn languages.
The good news here is that language learning has become more accessible than ever before. There are a wide variety of training options available including offline, online and blended learning courses; and also elearning partners and providers. Learning a language online is now very common; millions of professionals have done this to enhance their CVs and make themselves more valuable to their employers.
Many professionals may have thought about learning languages in the past but have been put off by the expense, time commitment and lack of flexibility. Thankfully, much of that is now a thing of the past. There are many, many options available whether professionals are seeking to learn business English or other European, Asian or African languages. Here’s a taster of what Dexway have to offer.
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